Week's Top 5
My 5 metro songs of the week
Artist: Radiohead
Song: Where I End and You Begin.
Album: Hail to the Thief
Artist: Oasis
Song: The Importance of Being Idle
Album: Don't Believe the Truth
Artist: Cafe Tacuba
Song: La Negrita
Album: Re
Artist: Album
Song: 62
Album: Great for Everyday recording
Artist: Babyshambles
Song: Fuck Forever
Album: Single album not yet released
Le fou
¿Sabèn que esta de la verga?
Que la gente que apenas me conoce por dos semanas o menos y ya me empiezan a llamar loco. O me dicen que estoy loco.
¿Eso esta mal no? ¿O bien? No se.
Pero pues que pedo con eso...
Being happy can be a bit scary, cus thats when the fear of death kicks in.
Debemos de vender nuestras camisas...
Extraño a mi rayita :-(
Nationalistic ferni comes out again
Asi es muchachos, ferni mexicano nacionalista, volvio a salir esta vez en la ciudad de Amsterdam para demostrarle a una gitana que no hay nadie màs chingon que un mexicano.
Mientras cruzabamos el Red Light District, Paul, Susana (la novia del Pablito pueden consultar su foto en "previous entries" del blog) y yo, ocurrio un evento interesante. Paul y Susan iban flotando en sus nubes de amor, mientras Ferni estaba caminando un poco atras viendo... las "ventanas" jeje un poco distraido, cuando en unas ventanas hay una gorda fea y volteo hacia delante y veo que una gitana tiene la mano bien metida en la maletilla de Paul que por andar en su encarameliento no se habia dado cuenta. La primer reacciòn de Ferni es con calma gritarle a Paul:
Ferni: Um Paul there's a woman opening your bag
Paul: Huh?
Gitana: Walks fast and comes very close to me, and says something to me in her language.
I thought myself as a hero, until Paul calmly looked at me, and said, I only had a bottle of water mate.
Funny quote
feminism encourages women to "kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."
By Televangelist Pat Robertson
I always said they were Evil.
The red power ranger apparently killed some rich california couple in order to steal a yacht in 2004.
http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/08/16/yacht.murders.reut/I can make a lot of funny jokes about this one, but I will leave them to your imagination.
Amsterdam Part 1
Pues si muchachos. SI fui al Red Light District. Pero como Paul y yo estabamos acompañados por personas del sexo femenino, no pudimos echarnos un "buen taco de ojo" pero si, confirmo mi reporte previo:
El 80-90% de las viejas estàn HORRIBLES. Especialmente la calle con unas gordas, ENORMES, negras, con todo cayendose por todos lados... O la calle de las viejas de 50 años... Pero Pero pero. Reporto que habia 2 que si.
You were shagging a super model.
Woman magazine cover question
Could HE Be Faking It?
Ferni's answer:
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel No.
I am going to Amsterdam today.
(I shall not go to the red light district I shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light district I shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light district I shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light district I shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light district I shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light district I shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light district I shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light district I shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light district I shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light district I shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light district I shall not go to the red light districtI shall not go to the red light district I shall not go to the red light district)
El progreso
Hoy jueves estaba con
Agarrando el pedo con
en la
Hoy mismo (osea jueves) ustedes pueden ver a
Y chupar con el, pero en vez de
Y en vez de tener como escenario la
Va a ser
Viva el progreso,el "pajaro de metal" y la diferencia de horarios!
Los que lo vean, mandenmelo saludar.
Fancy a bit of the Ultra-violence?
I said smiling very wide and droogie. ´Well if it isn't fat stinking billygoat Billyboy in poison. How art thou, thou, globby bottle of cheap stinking chip-oil? Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly, thou.´ And then we started.
Taken from A Clock-work Orange.
By Anthony Burgess
Page 16
Best "let's fuckin have it then mate. let's have a fookin fight" phrase.
La la la
Yo, mi Ipod, y un libro de Max Frisch dimos una buena caminada por las calles parisinas. Abajo el mapa de mi recorrido con notas personales.
Nightmares, I think not.
Forget chocolate.
Killing him in my dreams is without a doubt my favorite guilty pleasure.
Beginning of the week, I was in the supermarket making my line, when this odd 75 year old guy stood behind me with his bottle of wine, he started mumbling something in french, all I could grab was something about shitting, when suddenly I started smelling, well, you know, SHIT. The old man, continued rambling on, and the stench became more and more unbearable. In Paris bums and old people living in there own shit are as normal as people wearing sombreros in Monterrey. They exist. Everywhere. But most of the time you stumble across them when they are already shitting themselves and not giving a "shit". But this one was just not there yet. He was conscious of what he was doing, hence the "oh, I am about to shit my pants", and he looked somewhere resembling clean cut.
Still it has always fascinated me what makes this guys go over the edge. I mean some day they must have been normal kids, playing with other children, then they probably got married, but what happened in there history so tragic, that they lost everything?
I do believe that this man, probably had children, so where are they? Do they know there dad is shitting himself in Monoprix in front of a young innocent mexican naco, who is now writing about it in his blog? How many times do they visit him per month? Or maybe they don't do it anymore? Did he deserve it? Was he a bad father? A wanker? Did he hit his wife? Did he hit them?
Or maybe he didn't do anything, his children just stopped caring, which here is very possible.
I hope that doesn't happen to me. Vivir la vida tan patetica, no es lo mio. His life is pathetic. It's disgraceful. I feel sorry for him. Because his existence is pathetic, and non-important.
Anyway Flaii has written authorization to shoot me and kill me with a shotgun if I ever shit myself in Monoprix.
I wonder where he is right now....
Manolo Cabeza de Huevo
Miren, yo no soy fan de las bromas en la radio, ni siquiera de Polo Polo y esas cosas, pero està broma si esta buenisima... Son 3 audios de Manolo Cabeza de Huevo. YO pienso que es a alguienle pagaron para que hiciera ese teatrito pero bueno... Esta chistoso escucharlo;
Algo chistosito del hombre blanco
Hoy cuando me andaba sirviendo de comer en la "cafeteria" (porque para mi eso es un restaurante) vi en la secciòn de frutas una manzana. La verdad es que todos los dias la veo pero eso de comprar una sola manzana a 8 pesos no es como que diga WOW quiero 10. Pero pues hoy me anime. Asi que me sente y comi mi salmoncito de 40 pesos con todo y ensalada y otras cosas raritas del hombre blanco. Despuès de 20 minutos de anticipacion y viendo con lujuria a la manzana de 8 pesos porfin le pude dar el primer mordisco y que PINCHE decepciòn.
En serio... No hay otra palabra para describirlo. Y todo es porque para el hombre blanco francès la comida organica es la "moda" ya que los GMO's van a hacer que te salgan espermatozoides rosas y todos nos vamos a hacer mutantes (aunque no existe una sola prueba cientifica que los GMO's nos hagan daño). Ahhhh pero eso si, el hombre blanco puede fumar en cualquier espacio cerrado que quiera, y darme en la torre a MI y a mis pulmones y en eso si hay MUCHA evidencia que "second hand smoke" mata. Pero a no... Con la comida mutante ahi si hacen pedo... No manches.
Yo quiero mi manzana mutada verde, grande, que cruje, con sabor a mas no poder. ESO ES LO QUE YO QUIERO. La comida organica SUCKS. O bueno ya que probaste la comida mutante... Pues si apesta.
Es todo por hoy
Gracias por su atenciòn
Here comes the sun
As I walk in the subway towards home, and see the tons of people in stress, anguish, craziness, chaos, rush, etc... I just can't avoid smiling when Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles is played in my ipod.
Do we?
"Latins are nice. European males, do not love the girl, they just love sex."
Russian chick yesterday night.
So I will open the poll.
Is she right?
Are we this goody goody guys who with the right girl want to establish a relationship then shag?
Or deep down are we romantic just to at the end get laid?
Dedicado a Pablo
Keep Rollin'
Playa del Hombre Blanco
Voy abrir un nuevo segmento con fotografias de las "cosas raritas" o tecnologia que dejan plasmado a un simple hombre que proviene de un paìs en vias de desarrollo.
Empezarè con la famosa "Paris Plage" que literlamente significa Paris playa. Y pues si, el hombre blanco como sabemos muy bien tiene dinero como se dirìa vulgarmente "a lo pendejo" por lo que el hombre blanco decidio poner una PLAYA artificial para los hombres blancos que no pueden viajar a una playa "de verda". El costo total de esta playa fue de 1,378,000 euros. Suficiente cantidad de dinero para darle becas y de comer a una gran cantidad de niños mal nutridos de un paìs en desarrollo como es Mèxico.
Su servidor se fue a echar una vuelta y acostubmrado a las playas de Cancùn y en un mal año la Isla del Padre se "mal viajo" con lo que presencio. SI. El hombre blanco habia creado un espacio playero con arena y todo a orillas de un rio tan cochino que no hay un solo pez.
Se tomaron los siguientes apuntes:
* El hombre blanco tomaba el sol como si realmente estuvieran en la playa aunque lo unico de playa que habia era arena y palmeras de mentiras. NI SIQUIERA HABIA SOL.
* El hombre blanco realmente pensaba que estaba en una playa y construia CASTILLOS en la "arena" que mas que nada parecia uno de esos espacios que tienen los niños en mexico en su jardin donde entre 4 palos de madera le echan arena pa'que juegue el gûerco.
* La mujer blanca se paseaba en bikinis y tangas. Se presenciaron varias mujeres blancas de gran edad con todo pa'fuera estilo "topless". El hombre del pais en vias de desarrollo no pudo mas que casi guacarear las papitas que se estaba comiendo.
* Los niños del hombre blanco no les da pena estar en pirulas.
Hice una conclusion un poco... Extremista jeje. Que ya me arrepenti. El hombre blanco tiene mucho dinero y otras necesidades. Si nosotros tuvieramos esa lana la gastariamos en hacer que el cerro de la silla sea un "eski risort"
Les adjunto algunas fotos.
People fancy kinky/fetish stuff. Stuff like biting there lover in some parts, piercings in other parts, tatoos, handcuffs, seeing your partner with someone else, whips and latex, getting filmed or photographed, kamasutra style, doing it in public places, toys and games, mirrors, foot fetishes,and so on...
But me. I have a different style... I have a kinkiness/fetishness for swiss girls. I can't help it. And the worst thing is that I perceive a swiss like a hound, it's like some weird sort of sixth sense just specifically for swiss woman, like a radar of some sort. My mate Paul is witness of this. I can just tell when a girl is swiss, and even if she's not the prettiest of the lot, I go *grrrrrrrr*.
But the reason it exists it's because there's something behind those 5 languages that they speak, the amount of culture and books they have obtained, the stone cold glacier eyes, my love/hate of how everything for them is calculated and realistic, the screaming of there souls that you can perceive as a result of living in such a perfect ordered and civilized lil world, and the amazing chemistry that this creates with a crazy mexican who lives chaotically and doing what he feels. I also love that left wing stance that they swear to follow, yet deep down, you can sense that they fancy the right.
Ahhh I just love'em. I really want to move to Switzerland just to get married. To bad they don't sell swiss girls on the internet.
What do boys think when they kiss? It might surpise you.
As we made out in her room, just returning from the salsa club where we had met 5 hours before, me and this petite blonde, (very) drunk, blue eyed, american girl (my first). In my mind there weren't any thoughts like, "This is great" "Uyyyyy look at those eyes" "What should be my next move" "I wonder if I can touch there" "KISS HER NECK, KISS HER NECK" etc...
There were...
And so forth...
In moments like those, I am really glad that our thoughts are for ourselves, and my friends that visit my blog.
Cheers to that.