Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Fuck Donald Trump
The New Kings of Capitalismhttp://www.economist.com/displaystory.cfm?story_id=3398496
Donald Trump is a where be who has now become a clown in his reality show program. This is the future of money kids. Private-Equity. And Mr. Steve Schwarzman is the king.
Now I only need some money to invest...
Monday, November 29, 2004
David Bisbal
Una señora del trabajo me dijo, "ay mijo, te deberías de dejar el pelo como David Bisbal" yo no se si es un cumplido o un verdadero insulto hacia mi persona y especificamente hacia mi pelo.Sunday, November 28, 2004
It's not healthy for my brain to read L'Etranger by Albert Camus in one day. Not healthy AT ALL. Specially when you combine it with 3 x 1 in a bar.Friday, November 26, 2004
Anyone who looks back to childhood with melanchony, and wishes he went back, obviously doesn't remember it well.Thursday, November 25, 2004
My dreams...
My dreams are very very very weird. I've been trying to catalog today's dream in the Dream Interpreter out of curiousity, and there is not one category where I can place it in...Damn it. I really need my shrink.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Apparently my schweizerin's post is becoming quite popular. So I will repost, for the new people coming along.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
An international friend, told me today, "I know how much you like swiss girls, well here you go:"
Now I think, fcuk I can't believe I had one of those :-(.
Good music...
I should be at a class in TEC at 7.00pm yet I am burning music for the road jajaja. Hey, if you are going to a shithole, you better go with some style.Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Shut the fcuk up and listen!
Thursday 9.00 pm, in 94.9 Frequencia Tec. In the program:Perfiles Musicales, conducted by Jorge Gonzalez. A program about Monterrey's most promising band. "Album". I hope some of you have downloaded there songs, if you haven't catch them in the radioshow. If you have, catch them in the radioshow.
Seriously this band, has a lot of potential, like Jorge said, "if I wanted to write a review about this band I will write 2 paragraphs per song"
First I was obsessed with Hormigas, then Talvez, then 2/3, then Cowboy, then Holey Foley, and now Centro. It's been quite a while, since a band made me like this many songs in one album.
So listen to them.
Great day...
Woke up at 3.30amWorked without stopping till 12.30pm
Created more than 65 pages.
Created a presentation.
Total work was more than 130 pages.
Presented at 1.00 pm
Did it all by myself.
I am proud of myself.
Monday, November 22, 2004
- Albondigas italianas- Hojas de repollo (árabe)
- Frijoles refritos
- Arroz
- Barbacoa
Gracias por el recalentado mamá.
Sorry I didn't post in the weekend, I was locked with 3 french girls in a cabin in the middle of the woods.*Note:Some information has been strategically removed, in order to create envy to that pesky anonymous poster.
Friday, November 19, 2004
Radiohead - Let Down - Ok Computer
Friday night.Locked doing final projects.
Cannot stop listening to Let Down by Radiohead.
A true work of art.
The music - The voice - The lyrics
So powerful...
So sad...
Yet with hope.
It made me cry.
"and one day, I am gonna grow wings"
How to be a cheap bastard like me
Step #1If they offer you in the morning free tacos at work, eat as much as you can, once you are full shove along another couple. Think in the LONG RUN.
Step #2
Take 2 big slices of chocolate cake and shove them along to, with a lot of water.
Step #3
As time passes and everyone leaves for lunch, you stay at the office, and once everyone is away you take the food that was left, in this case I ate tons of chips and sprite and cake.
Step #4
Ask your boss for peppermints, it's not classy to have a bad breath.
Step #5
Drink as much water as you can as the hours pass. If this is not working, ask for another peppermint. Remember mints take away hunger for a few precious minutes.
I saved 100 pesos from my mom!
Benjamin Franklin would be so proud of me!!!
Thursday, November 18, 2004
don't you envy me?
Me estoy comiendo en estos precisos momentos un cono de cajeta de las sevillanas, y ustedes no.lero lero...
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
So there's where we learned it...
Racist taunts at England-Spain"Fans at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium made monkey sounds whenever Shaun Wright-Phillips and Ashley Cole had the ball."
Very... mexican... Although I have heard a lot worst heckling in the Rayados stadium, ironically you want to turn to them and say, hey dude, look in the mirror. Very mexican. Very stupid.
American tv highschool students...
Very interesting "kids"... I was watching Smallville today and the highschool quaterback had more face wrinkles than a 30 year old... Even good ol' Superman looks more like a college graduate than a highschool student. It's kinda like Dawson Creek, with the main character looking like he's in the mid-twenties yet hanging around with another bunch of Gap models... But nothing like one very early Baywatch episode, where Pamela Anderson is YES a Highschool student! And they passed the video of the highschool and I could see where beautyful tall blondes with implants, wearing nothing but a bikini top, and 1.80 meter guys wearing vests showing there six packs...Yep, Prepa Tec Eugenio Garza Sada was just like that....
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
The invisible man.
Has anyone noticed the homeless guy who lives in Constitucion and Eugenio Garza Sada, just down the tunnel? Sometimes I see him, sometimes I don't, but I've always been tempted to stop the car and know more about him. The most increidible thing is when I see him sleeping and cars going at 120km/ph are crossing a few meters from him. But I don't think people notice him.Maybe I should send a letter to my local news stations so they go with the cameras and give him his 5 minutes of fame, and also some "amarillismo" into it. But I am not sure he would like it.
Monday, November 15, 2004
Love Burns - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Sorry Porn... I know I've sent them to you twice, but they haunt me I guess.Love Burns
Never thought I'd see her go away
She learned I loved her today
Never thought I'd see her cry
And I learned how to love her today
Never thought I'd rather die
Then try to keep her by my side
Now she's gone love burns inside me
Now she's gone love burns inside me
Now she's gone love burns inside me
Nothing else can hurt us now
No loss, our love's been hung on a cross
Nothing seems to make a sound
And now it's all so clear somehow
Nothing really matters now
Now we're gone and on our way
Now she's gone love burns inside me
Now she's gone love burns inside me
Now she's gone love burns inside me
She cuts my skin and bruise my lips
She's everything to me
She tears my clothes and burns my eyes
She's all I want to see
She brings the cold and scars my soul
She's heaven sent to me
Now she's gone love burns inside me
Now she's gone love burns inside me
Now she's gone love burns inside me
Kiss my love and I wish you're gone
You can kiss my love and I wish you're gone
Never thought I'd leave you like the way that I do
Kiss my love and I wish you're gone
You can kiss my love and I wish you're gone
Now she's gone love burns inside me
Now she's gone love burns inside me
Now she's gone love burns inside me
Discover if you are a metrosexual
So we all know that metrosexuals are the one's getting into girls panties this days... I mean you see girls going nuts over Brad Pitt and David Beckham, both probably having more facial creams, and other "hygene products" than Posh Spice and Jennifer Aniston combined. So I decided to take a quiz and see how metrosexual I was, and try to correlate it with the probability of me scoring with a girl in the next months.Unfortunately the test was a disaster. And unless this metrosexual trend fades out, I am going to have to become rich and powerful in order to score, or at least start buying facial creams, and learning colors like "pastel, fiucha, crema" I just hope's Nepomuceno's theory of the grandfather clock is true, and woman go back into loving macho-carnivore-viking style men like me. I mean why would a girl like dating a guy who has the complete Vichy Cream Collection. But anyway here is the result of my test.

Sunday, November 14, 2004
The worst time of the week.
Sunday Night. It's when you realize that monday is just a few hours away....Fcuk all sunday sucks. Ever since I was a kid I just cannot enjoy sundays, I mean you know that the next day it's school or work or whatever man. The weekend is gone, liberty is gone and back to reality.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
The Perfect Time of the Week
Saturday Morning. You wake up rested from the week, and monday is still far away. That is ofcourse if you didn't go on a bender on Friday and you have well... A Hangover.Poptarts.
I have a very serious problem when I cook 2 Pop Tarts, I know 15 minutes in my oven is the ideal time for the chocolate to melt, and the cookie to be crunchy. Unfortunately, as I eat my first pop tart my second one gets cold! And makes it a lot less enjoyable. I've tried to let the second one on the oven at a low temperature but it still does not work. Damn it. Humans can go to Mars, but I can't even make 2 ideal Pop Tarts.Friday, November 12, 2004
True Nightmares
A true nightmare, is when you wake up from the most perfect dream, and into your sad reality.A cool dream is when you dream your hand or another organ in your body has been chopped off and you wake up, and say, ha! still there.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Me hubiera encomendado a la virgencita de guadalupe porque me acaban de hacer la Mrs. Fernando Gonzalez de Medina.Wednesday, November 10, 2004
A philosophical question.
The eternal question of the reformed burro a day before the exam:Should I study, or I should I "encomendarme a la virgencita de guadalupe" like every good Mexican?
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
I want to be adored.You adore me. You adore me.
You adore me.
I wanna be adored. I wanna be adored. I wanna be adored. I wanna be adored. I wanna be adored. I wanna be adored. I wanna be adored. I wanna be adored. I wanna be adored. I wanna be adored. I wanna be adored. I wanna be adored. I wanna be adored. I wanna be adores. I gotta be adored. I gotta be adored. I gotta be adored.
I wanna be adored.
Stone Roses.
Damn it!
The stupid vending mahcine just stole 5 pesos from me!!! And I needed that money to take out some copies in University. Bastard!!! I mean it has happened to me 3 times that the food gets "stuck" but not receiving the change??? Puta madre... (In Paul and Bart's accent)Ferni
Yes, I am a geek. What can I say? I hate Microsoft and as soon as I make some money I am buying myself an Apple. And as a certified Microsoft hater, I also detest Internet Explorer, the browser 95% of you guys use. It's slow, it doesn't block pop ups, it gives a welcome party to adware, spyware, and viruses, and it has no tabs. It basically sucks.So me, Elfego has been working in a proyect since 1998, called Mozilla along with thousands of programmers who hack into the code in order to make it more secure, find flaws, and put creative new feautures into it. Our mission was to provide a choice over Internet Explorer. We started making Milestones, I downloaded Milestone 5 to 20. Reported bugs, and gave suggestions. Then we gave numbers to it, Mozila 0.5-etc... Then Mozilla 1.0 came out a milestone, but you guys didn't give a shit... Finally we started an independent stripped down browser called Phoenix, I downloaded .3 and for 2 years, browser market share didn't change. The named change to Firebird, and now finally it has become Firefox. But people were still using IE. But finally this summer thanks to IE holes and insecurity people are turning to Firefox and we've won 2 percentage points in Market share which is HUGE news for us.
So please, please, please try it... I have not known one person who has downloaded Firefox and gone back to IE. I will post some pictures as soon as I get home and download 1.0 into my computer so you can see the advantages that Mozilla has over IE. It's just a 4.5 mb download which will take a few minutes.
The advantages over IE are:
Pop up blocker. (a lot smarter than IE's)
Tab browsing (allows many web pages to load within the same window, improving the speed and utility of web browsing. )
Extensions and themes, this means you can download extensions into the browser for example, zoom in-zoom out for pictures, gmail notifier, Yahoo toolbar. Weather, etc...
Faster than IE
Easy to change from IE it's justone click and it imports bookmarks, history, etc...!
Try it. Love it. Spread it.
Firefox download
Reuters Article
I will post some reviews when they are available.
Very interesting music article
The Economist has published an article about the music industry, and piratas mexicanos rejoice with me, they don't blame us for the state of the music industry!!! It's all there fault!!! (And it is, I mean music this days is kinda lame) The article can be found in:Music Industry sucks
But if you are a lazy bastard here are some interesting quotes:
"Historically, the majors have controlled physical distribution of CDs. Yet that barrier to entry will erode as more music is distributed on the internet and mobile phones. Artists can, in theory, use the internet to bypass record firms, though few have yet done this. The principal reason most have not is that they need marketing and promotion, which the majors also dominate, to reach a wide audience."
"Much will depend on whether the majors choose to address a problem that is just as important as piracy: these days they rarely develop new artists into long-lasting acts, relying instead on short-term hits promoted in mainstream media. That has turned off many potential buyers of new music. In future, using the internet, the industry will be able to appeal directly to customers, bypassing radio, television and big retailers, all of which tend to prefer promoting safe, formulaic acts. That could give the majors the confidence to back innovative, edgy music. But much smaller independent labels and artist-management firms can do the same, offering them a way to challenge the big firms head on."
"According to an internal study done by one of the majors, between two-thirds and three-quarters of the drop in sales in America had nothing to do with internet piracy. No-one knows how much weight to assign to each of the other explanations: rising physical CD piracy, shrinking retail space, competition from other media, and the quality of the music itself. But creativity doubtless plays an important part."
"Alain Levy, chairman and chief executive of EMI Music, told Billboard magazine this year that too many recent acts have been one-hit wonders and that the industry is not developing durable artists."
"And while TV loves shows like “Pop Idol” for drawing millions of viewers, such programmes also devalue music by showing that it can be manufactured. Technology has made it easy for music firms to pick people who look good and adjust the sound they make into something acceptable, though also ephemeral."
"The majors could argue that they can happily carry on creating overnight hits; so long as they sell well today, why should it matter if they do not last? But most such music is aimed at teenagers, the very age group most likely to download without paying."
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Am I the only one who thinks God seriously needs a 01800 number for suggestions and complaints?Saturday, November 06, 2004
Channel 2: 1.39 pmTV host: So what fashionable colors are coming this Christmas 2004.
Designer: This year we are having a lot of green and red.
And No. I am not making it up.
Ferni's Flavor of the week
I hope this band will be the next BIG thing. Certainly they are one of Monterrey's most promising band.There webpage is
Just try out some of this songs and you will be amazed, specially since they recorded them by themselves in a computer.
Tal vez
What I like most of this band, is that they are extremely creative, and original. It's very difficult to place them in one musical genre. The songs also vary a lot from one another, and even within thesmelves. Some songs like 62 seem like 2 or 3 songs pasted together but that cannot exist alone. Amazing.
I see dead people.
I had saved this story for Dia de Muertos but I forgot. In the 8th grade I visited a friend's house, whose name I will not reveal. And as we entered the house I looked left into the garden and I saw his grandmother looking at the trees in her wheelchair. I didn't give much to it. Except that in 30 minutes I realized her grandmother died a month before.And I swear it happened! And to all the sceptics who think that maybe I expected to see her there so I imagined it, please help me to expect Yessica Toscanini so that she can pop up like that from nowhere.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
From this day on, Ricardo Lavolpe will not be able to summon me for the Sub-23 games.That's scary.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Day of the Death in my house
Today my grandparents, come to dine at my house.
Death altar 1
Death altar 2
Death altar 3
San Pedro Soccer Mom's
Aren't they great? We all see them driving around San Pedro with there mamamobiles (A big expensive family van, F.E. Ford Windstar, Chrysler Grand Voyager, Honda Odyssey) cigarrete in one hand, diet coke in the other, and the wheel who cares? And yesterday I had a close encounter with one of them. I parked my car in the road and left to pick up a mate. When we are about to come down the owner of the house, tells us the woman who lives 3 departments down, just hit my car and left. We rush down, and find the car door in a really bad state. Apparently the woman, didn't see if there were any cars in the other side of the road an just hit the gas in reverse and hit my car. So we waited for her to come back, and when she did, I came to her with a nice smile, showing that I wasn't mad. And she blames ME on the incident. She rambles along how I shouldn't park my car on the other side of the road, and me and my friend without raising our voice tell her she had plenty of space to turn. I tell her if she could please call her insurance and she says, she didn't think the hit was enough for that, finally she comes and see's the meteor type hole in my door and says, um ok. She doesn't say anything to me. She goes inside her house, without saying anything, and locks herself down until the insurance guy comes. The husband arrives and the guy doesn't even say hello, and they both start bashing me of HOW COULD I PARK MY CAR ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STREET. I could not believe it. Both of them were talking loudly so I could hear, so I just ignored them and continued talking with my friend.But what the hell?? How can people in San Pedro be so ARROGANT. Nothing they do is there fault. The law does not exist but to satisfy them. This attitude for me it's frustrating. And it sucks that I am surrounded by it.
An international friend, told me today, "I know how much you like swiss girls, well here you go:"http://beautifulzueri.blogspot.com/
Now I think, fcuk I can't believe I had one of those :-(.