Joke of the day.
"The al-Qaida leadership is clearly on the run and under a lot of pressure," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said in response to the
video.12 days to get the tape from the cameraman to Al Jazeera...
A new record.
You sure got them running George.
Like Roger I want to be like Roger...

If I was gay or a girl I would just kiss the bastard.
There are so many positive things I can say about this guy. I woke up early in order to be able to see the game, the first 65 minutes, the 6.5 million people watching the game saw a trembling, non-consistent, mumbling, full of errors Federer. Then suddenly he came like a Hurricane, taking over the second set and winning 11 straight games. His mental strenght is increidible, not until the end of the match when he broke out crying in the middle of his speech you could see the heavy toll that the game had into his mind. But in the game you only saw a calculative precisive swiss watch working brutally to take his opponnent apart piece by piece.

If you click on google and search for images of
Roger Federer must of the pictures you will see are with a face without any effort only eyes full of pure concentration. If you do the same search for other tennis players you will see all sort of faces and efforts like Maria Sharapova (picture taken from el davalismo)

It's truly fascinating to watch Federer play, and the best part is that he is probably going to be the best player of all time, and for us tennis fans we are seeing our Maradona and our Pele. And the best thing about him is that he's a modest bastard, who respects his rivals, doesn't do drugs, doesn't have a big mouth. When people don't cheer for him (in tennis crowds like the underdog)he doesn't complain, or make gestures to the crowd, quite the contrary, he always thanks them in the end, I guess that's why at the end everybody claps at him.
Federer's greatest strenght is the fact that even if the world thinks he is invincible. He considers himself mortal. The guy has won his 7 Grand Slam finals, and he's still crying like as if it was his first or if he had won it dramatically.
Federer is what today's athletes should try to be. And persons to.
A la madre
Pos ayer que me fui a ver el partido de Broncos-Steelers a un Irish Pub, me paso algo bieen loco. Estaba sentado con mi cheve bien campante en la barra comiendome unos calamares bien ricos, cuando una guera de ojo azul guapisima, flaca con buen cuerpo se sienta a lado.Y pos que me empieza a cotorrear y yo digo a la madre. Cotorreamos de musica de los arctic monkeys, oasis, the strokes, bitles, bloc party, etc... Luego pasamos a libros y noticias internacionales y dije que vieja!!!! Me dijo que era de la Republica Checa y yo pos si, en méxico no las hacen asi... y yo a huevo se tiene que armar algo!! Y en eso me voltea a ver y me dice "my room, or your room?" pense estoy soñando... pinches viejas ahora son como los hombres y toman la iniciativa, VIVA EL FEMINISMO!!! entonces le dije pos vamos!!!!!!!
Y en eso me empieza a dar una LISTA DE PRECIOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blowjob 50 euros
1 hora 200 euros
2 horas 350 euros
3 horas 450 euros
¿¿¿¿Esto a huevo le ha pasado a alguien más no???? O en alguna pelicula o no se...
Después de rebotar algunas ideas sobre el incidente con Rodo pude concluir lo siguiente:
En Europa hasta las putas son cultas.

Relationships should come with an expiration date.
Help me Out
If I googled the Nestle Swiss Human Resource worker and got her phone number, when I call her tomorrow will I be:
a) Showing initiative
b) Stalker
No name
I don't know how many millions the US has spent in trying to get to this man, how many of the best world reporters have investigated him, but nobody really knows SHIT about
him.Read it, it's quite interesting.
They've killed him from cancer, kidney failure, battles, bombs, and earthquakes. Yet it looks like he's still alive and kickin'. They think he might have gone to the US, but no maybe not, or to Oxford, yeah maybe, ah no... He inherited 300 million but now apparently he has only 25.
This guy is a true mystery.
East of Eden
I am in love with Cathy Ames.
Guilty Confession #3838484754
It was me who ate all the company chocolate.
Why don't they learn?
Is it my imagination, or every year, I hear in the news there was a stampede in La Mecca and hundreds of people have died?
Walking the streets of Europe, and seeing some of the eyes, I often feel this impulse of bursting out and hold there heads look at them straight in the eye and say what Donnie Darko tells Cherita "I promise that one day everything’s going to be better for you." Or at least tell them "Life is really not that bad."
There is a lot of loneliness in this continent.
Not this time boys.
The Strokes began in 1998 when a bunch of New York posh kids who had met in a Manhattan's private prep school (except Hammond who met Julian in another private school but this one in Switzerland when they were kids).
Quick flash back to 2001, since 1998 bands like, Britney Spears, Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys, Lauryn Hill, Will Smith, Korn, Limp Bizkit, The Offspring, Jennifer Lopez, Ricky Martin, Kid Rock, Blink 182, N'SYNC, and Creed were dominating the airwaves. I remember in those days I stopped listening to contemporary music and just focused on the Past. Blur, the Verve, Oasis, Smashing Pumpkins, Pearl Jam, etc... Rock n'Roll stopped being cool.
Finally in early 2001 the English press started raving about some new salvation, a group that was going to save Rock N'Roll, or at least the Rock N'Roll the English appreciate. That salvation was The Strokes, releasing an EP, followed by the album, concentrating exclusively on England.
The first album (who displays Kylie Minogue on the cover) was a mixture of Buddy Holly with the riffs of the velvet underground.

I understand that for Mexican rock fans, this album doesn't mean anything. But for me, it was a sort of branching out from Brit Pop and into this old style 70 rock music. The Strokes album might not be as "important" as Nevermind by Nirvana or even be as good. But what The Strokes did, was make Rock N'Roll cool again. Designers copied The Strokes look and now literally millions of teenage boys across the world have the same style haircut that the Strokes used in early 2001. But most importantly was that The Strokes slammed the door open to other "punk rock acts" and the whole "THE" movement began, with The Hives, White Stripes, The Vines, etc..." Who then opened opportunitites to a whole new lot of Indie bands like Bloc Party, Arctic Monkeys, Kaiser Chiefs, etc...
The second album was also good, it was actually pretty good. Not as good as "Is This It" but it certainly had his moments like Reptilia. So for months now I've been anticipating there latest release "First Impressions of Earth" unfortunately this album didn't create any impression on me. Maybe I need to hear it more times, but I just didn't like it, there are no solid songs in it, it sounds as the same-o same-o but this time being shit.
I do admit that the song
"Hawaii" (which is a single) is my #1 song of the moment.
I feel you
no mames, what happened yesterday to me,
made my stomach turn in rage. 2 belgian girls were
waiting for us, in a fresa club, and the guard stops
us in the entrance and say, this is a private party
you can't come in. in dutch ofcourse. And 2 drunk
belgians just stroll in after us, it was HUMILIATING.
then the next club we go, they ask me for my passport.
NO MAMES. This is shit. I've been to the Man-Ray, Vip
Room, Maxim's, La Planche, Cafe Costa, Buddha Bar, Queen's, La
Loco, Montecristo, Cafe Latin, in Paris and none EVER
put me in the line or asked me for my passport, and
I swear to God man. I had it in my tip of my tongue to
tell him, I AM RICH, YOU ARE NOT. (i know technically
I am not yet rich, but I am sure as hell will be and
he'll be still be working in that shit lil redneck
Politics and Ferni don't mix
Ferni: Just because Venezuela has more idiots than non-idiots mean it's a democracy. And I am sure good ol' Winston would agree with me.
Paul: And that's why you are never going to be a politician. (he meant that it's not very politically correct to say it jeje)