Like Roger I want to be like Roger...

If I was gay or a girl I would just kiss the bastard.
There are so many positive things I can say about this guy. I woke up early in order to be able to see the game, the first 65 minutes, the 6.5 million people watching the game saw a trembling, non-consistent, mumbling, full of errors Federer. Then suddenly he came like a Hurricane, taking over the second set and winning 11 straight games. His mental strenght is increidible, not until the end of the match when he broke out crying in the middle of his speech you could see the heavy toll that the game had into his mind. But in the game you only saw a calculative precisive swiss watch working brutally to take his opponnent apart piece by piece.

If you click on google and search for images of Roger Federer must of the pictures you will see are with a face without any effort only eyes full of pure concentration. If you do the same search for other tennis players you will see all sort of faces and efforts like Maria Sharapova (picture taken from el davalismo)

It's truly fascinating to watch Federer play, and the best part is that he is probably going to be the best player of all time, and for us tennis fans we are seeing our Maradona and our Pele. And the best thing about him is that he's a modest bastard, who respects his rivals, doesn't do drugs, doesn't have a big mouth. When people don't cheer for him (in tennis crowds like the underdog)he doesn't complain, or make gestures to the crowd, quite the contrary, he always thanks them in the end, I guess that's why at the end everybody claps at him.
Federer's greatest strenght is the fact that even if the world thinks he is invincible. He considers himself mortal. The guy has won his 7 Grand Slam finals, and he's still crying like as if it was his first or if he had won it dramatically.
Federer is what today's athletes should try to be. And persons to.
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