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Ya encontre a U2, Guns and Roses, Smashing Pumpkins, Eagles, Led Zepellin Seal, the Postal Service, Gorillaz, The Police, The Rolling Stones, Alice in Chain, Blur, Spoon, Scissor Sisters, Beach Boys, The eels, Garbage, Blind Melon?, Black Crowes the White Stripes y ya...
Ayudenme jeje
No se que postear. No me ha pasado absolutamente nada interesante. La ultima cosa pendeja que me paso es que los belgas decidieron llamar el mismo nombre a 2 ciudades, en lados opuestos de su país. Entonces hay va Ferni, al tren Louvain A N en vez de Louvain normal, y pues despues de no reconocer el camino le digo a uno de los encargados que que pedo, y me dijo si a huevo vas bien. Y yo pos bueno... Y pues de la verga. Me tuve que esperar 1 hora sentado absolutamente solo en un banco mojado para agarrar el tren otra vez a Louvain bien, y estabamos a 1 grado y estaba chispeando, y no habia un lugar caliente. Yo creo que ese es el unico momento desde que estoy aqui en donde pense "QUE CHINGADOS ESTOY HACIENDO AQUI! Y NO TENER CARRO, FAMILIA, AMIGOS, COMIDA DE CASA, SALSAS, PICAGOMAS, ACIDITAS, PULPADIP, FRITOS, MUCHACHA, CUARTO GRANDE, TELE, DVD, COMPUTADORA, SALAS DE CINE MATONAS, ETC..." Pero luego que llegue a la casa calientita, se me olvido jeje.
Hace una semana acabe un libro que me impacto "Youth" de J.M. Coetzee, por mi identifiación con el personaje. El autor te habla sobre la soledad y lo que es mudarte a una ciudad where nobody knows your name, y es hostil hacia ti. (Eso no fue con lo que me identifique), y el libro que ando leyendo ahorita es Great Expectations de Dickens... Que vi la pelicula hace mucho, pero lo que me hizo leer el libro fue la pelicula de Oliver Twist. Que me recordo a la pelicula de Cuaron que me hizo pedirle el libro a Paul jaja. La verdad con Pip es otro personaje con el que me identifico por su Great Expectation, y la obsesión de querer a alguien aunque sepa que lo unico que le trae es infelicidad.
Y pues fuera de eso es todo... Es mi reporte. No me ha pasado nada gracioso. Ni he visto cosas raras. Bueno si, creo que es raro estar caminando y que en los 4 dias que llevo en Bruselas veo policias cada vez que me regreso a casa pero en patrullas hecho madre con sirenas y todo el pedo. Y lo más raro fue que el Martes vi a un guey por 3 segundos solamente atras de la patrulla con una ski mask puesta y con una madre para que respirara en la boca y no podia ver todo tapado. Con 3 chotos agarrandolo, obviamente iba como con otras 4 patrullas.
Lo más cabrón de ese güey es que tiene un ego tan tan tan enorme, que pone sus frases que no tienen nada brillantes con el mismisimo Winston. Y luego que pedo con que sus heroes de frase son puros actores de hollywood, con puras frases "cliché". (Y William Ward que aparentemente lo unico que hace es sacar frases...)
En fin...
Top 11 Churchill quotes in no particular order
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.
Don't talk to me about naval tradition. It's nothing but rum, sodomy and the lash.
Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
The strongest argument against democracy, is a 5 min. conversation with the average voter.
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.
Bessie Braddock: “Sir, you are drunk.”
Churchill: “Madam, you are ugly. In the morning, I shall be sober.”
Nancy Astor: “Sir, if you were my husband, I would give you poison.”
Churchill: “If I were your husband I would take it.”
The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.
You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
Great Expectations.
I loved her simply because I found her irresisitible. I knew to my sorrow, often and often, if not always, that I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against al discouragement that could be. Once for all; I loved her none the less because I knew it, and it had no more influence in restraining me, than if I had devoutly beleive her to be human perfection.
Thank you Mr. Dickens. Somebody that understands.
I also liked the
And still I stood looking at the house, thinking how happy I should be if I lived there with her, and knowing that I never was happy with her, but always miserable.
Tiempo Real
3.10 am
Esperando a que empiece otra vez el juego del Tiguere.
Escuchando The White Album por cuarta vez hoy.
Happiness is a Warm Gun.
Happiness is a Warm Gun *BAM BAM SHOO SHOO*
When I hold you in my arms. And I feel my finger on your trigger. I know NOBODY can do me no harm. Because, happiness is a warm gun.
So where the FUCK is my warm gun Mr. Lennon???????????????????????
Thought of the day
Holy shit... Am I sad today.
25 greatest short dudes of all time!!
Finally we get our due!A mi juicio falto...
Thom Yorke
Noel Gallagher
Alejandro Magno
Y yo.
Angus Young, lead singer-guitarist of AC/DC, tops Maxim's list of the "25 greatest short dudes of all time," standing tall at 5 feet 2 inches.
NBA guard Spud Webb, at 5 feet 7 inches, is No. 2, followed by Napoleon Bonaparte (5 feet 4 inches), Naim Suleymangolu (4 feet 11 inches) and Yuri Gagarin (5 feet 2 inches).
The magazine, in its December issue, claims to be helping women "begin a long overdue fight against their genetically determined shallowness when choosing a partner."
Yoda, at No. 6, is the shortest on the list. His height is calculated at 2 feet 2 inches.
Other great short dudes: Martin Scorsese, Jon Stewart, Prince, Kurt Cobain and two of the Hobbits from "The Lord of the Rings" films — Elijah Wood and Sean Astin.
The tallest "short dude"? Pro football player Doug Flutie, at 5 feet 10 inches, who is ranked at No. 24.
perdon perdon perdon, he estado de vago (literalmente) por 2 semanas, durmiendo en casa de 5 diferentes personas. Ahora estoy en Paris otra vez. No hay nada, no se ve nada, eso es lo mas pendejo de estos disturbios de que a los ricos no les afecta nada y donde hacen su desmadrito es en sus barrios. Osea es como que "chale guey, te chingaste el carro de tu jefe..." Tan bien pendejos.
Bueno raza voy a intentar postear mas aunque el miercoles me voy a bruselas a encontrar casa...Pero creo que donde me voy a estar quedando me pueden prestar internet.
Les dejo otra reflexion del señor Noel Gallagher
Noel Gallagher has spoken of his hatred for the Hip-Hop and R n' B scenes, branding artists of the genres "a bunch of idiots".
The Oasis frontman tore into the scenes, questioning their moral and ethical grounding.
Noel, whose latest album, 'Don't Believe The Truth', is riding high in the charts, told Australian website " I fu***ng hate it, all the people that make that kind of music and all the people that buy it. When you see the videos of some guy throwing 100 dollar bills over a naked woman lying on a bed with a dog leash around her neck... what is all that about?"
Noel continued his steaming rant with the wild suggestion that today's hip-hoppers are all addicted to drugs: "The critical thing about these f****rs is they go on about 'increase the peace' and getting kids to stay in school, but they're all raving crack heads. It's a fake form of music to me, and they're all a bunch of idiots anyway."
el hombre blanco otra vez
Ayer estuve apunto de darme en la madre en frente del hombre blanco. Andaba con el Bartman y teniamos que correr a hacer una conexion de tren, yo vi escaleras electricas hacia abajo que estaban apagadas y pues cuando nosotros los hombres que estamos en vias de desarrollo observamos escaleras apagadas pues ESTAN apagadas!!! Pero ahhhh no, aparentemente el hombre blanco le gusta salvar energia o algo asi y cuando me lanze por las escaleras y se prendieron hacia el lado contrario tuve que usar mis tecnicas que adquieres gracias productos de mala calidad que tenemos en nuestro pais de hombre en vias de desarrollo.
Este incidente causo risa en un grupo de mujeres blancas y pues la neta si me chivee.
Sienna Miller Shrine

I really liked opening my blog and seeing beautyful Sienna, today I realized she's gone to the archives sections, but I don't want her to be an archive. That's why for now until my obsession ends, I will post a pic of her, so everytime I log into my blog I can see her.
This is for me, not for you, if you don't like it, shoo, go away.
I posted this as a comment in
coffee & concrete thought it was cool.
A not so interesting Ipod adventure from the Netherlands.
I was riding behind in a bike with my friend, trying to put on my Ipod earphones to listen to Do The Evolution by Pearl Jam, cause I had just seen the video for the first time, and I felt the urge to listen to the song again, when 2 blonde dutch twins riding a bike passed us, I turned to see them pass, and in that moment my earphones slipped down, and got devoured by the bike's wheel which then fucked the chain, leaving us with no bike, a 45 minute walk, and having to spend 40 euros on new earphones.
Pinches gueras.
que siempre no.

Now I am going to Brussels baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Generalli by the way.
SM Joven guey
I feel really cool when I browse the SM Joven, and know this girls can get any guy they want, every guy will say yes.
Except me. And _____________ you can fill up your name there.