
Sometimes when I am in a room full of people, I can't stop to wonder, who of us is going to die first?
my metro trauma

Call me a pansy but everytime I get into the metro, and I look into the metro pole, I get scared as shit. See this is my problem, everytime I put my hand or fingers on the pole, I can't avoid thinking 'bout the guy who was before me masturbated, didn't clean his hands and touched exactly in the place I was now holding the pole. I swear I've tried not to think about that, but it's impossible it's like telling me not to think about a pink elephant. I cannot avoid it. So most of the time, I either don't touch it at all, and just get banged across the cart, but when there are a lot of people and I have no choice but to touch it I use 3 fingers like a pansy.
Alcohol is bad for your health (but who cares)
The beautyful people
Je hep moye ogen

(You have beautyful eyes)
Few news
* The highlight of my day is when I literally pass the magic badge on a door, and it opens.
I love white men technology.
* Who spiked the ketchup????!!!!! Yesterday the ketchup didn't exactly taste like ketchup, it tasted a lot like wine. Hmmmm Looks like that recent ban in bringing alcohol inside the company is having a setback in some frenchies.
* Today I will have in my room 2 beautyful dutchies for 5 days.
* Last week I had a beautyful dutchie for 4 days.
* Pictures coming soon I swear.
* Party tonight with Paul at champ de mars. Pictures coming soon, after the event.
* El metro huele a muerto.
* I discovered that the french DO take baths almost every day... But apparently some of them don't use deodorants.
* I ate a salmon for 3.50 euros yesterday in one of the dozens of restaurants inside the company, I love french subsidies.
* Wow 10 days and no greves... (strikes)
* I met a girl from belguim yesterday, had 2 pints with her, it amazed me that beneath all her "naconess", the stupid fake american accent that made me twitch, and the bad words, there was somewhere behind those beautyful stunning green eyes, something resembling a brain. And quite a smart brain I most admit.
* I miss clean clothes.
Llegada a Paris
Ferni sin siquiera abrir la maleta en el aviòn:
1) Olvide mi camara
2) Olvide mi rasuradora
3) Olvide la factura del aviòn para que me lo paguen
4) Olvide mi toalla.
Me da miedo abrir la maleta :(
Live 8
Call me a party pooper, but like Liam Gallagher recently said:
"People with guitars do not change the world."
I agree.
20 years after the Live Aid of 1985, we find Africa in a worst situation than it was back then. But yet again, the rockstars of the world, commanded by Geldof, Bono, and Chris Martin, are up for a revenge against African poverty, by turning there powerful guitars to the youth of developed countries, and expecting them to pressure there goverments to give billions of aid to Africa.
But is this anything new? Haven't governments already given billions of dollars to Africa. Bono would argue that it's still "not enough" but is there any economic proof that Aid has ever helped any country who has received it?
To this day, there has been no country who has seen a reduction in it's poverty thanks to Aid. What economics have seen is that economic growth DOES reduce poverty like you can see in this chart published in the Economist.

So is this "aid" relief that Live 8 is pushing for, and the package that Mr. Blair is proposing in Gleaneagles this week, going to help Africa in the long run? I don't think so.
If Aid has never worked before, why should it work now? African institutions are so corrupt that if they send 2 billion dollars of aid, a big chunk of that money is going straight into the government's bosses swiss bank accounts.
Live 8 was a good concert where I watched Chris Martin rock with Richard Aschcroft with Bittersweet Symphony, and Bono joining McCartney on stage to sing Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Club's Band. But that is it. Live 8 is not going to save the world, because the youth that it was directed to, has a short term memory, so grave that half of them are going to forget about what they saw in a week, and fill there brain with other, less complicated stuff.
And even if they remembered, Aid will never help Africa. If this countries want to help Africa they should impulse trade, EDUCATE, help make investments in capital, and infrastructure, to generate economic growth.
Another problem I have against the Live 8, is that it bothers me how European countries channel allt here energy to Africa, and completely ignore Latin Americans. It's like they believe the only poor in the world live there, when for example in Mexico there are 40 million people living with $1 dollar or less a day. Countries like Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Colombia are in the verge of collapsing, and Europeans do NOTHING. One of the main reasons of European prosperity today, is the amount of riches that they stole out of countries like Mexico, yet there is no talk of Aid packages (which I don't implore of getting), but what I do wish, is a removal of european union protection to it's agriculture. Billions of dollars of subsidies are still given every year, which makes mexican fruits and vegetables, a lot better in quality and cheaper to produce, impossible to compete in the European market.
If Europe really wants to make poverty history, then they shouldn't make it sound like POVERTY only exists in Africa, start reducing agriculture subsidies, and other trade barriers.
Ahora Kleenex Para Limpiarse las Naves con Aloe
Así es muchachos. Como pueden ver en la siguiente imagen, Kleenex ahora nos está vendiendo un producto de papel de baño nuevo para limpiarse el "derriere" con ALOE.

Increíble como parece el "ALOE" "humecta" nuestros derriere por consiguiente evita esas molestas irritaciones o cómo dicen nuestras mamas las "rosaditas". Lo que yo no entiendo, es si mi mamá me compra papel de baño marca patito, me enseño a limpiarme bien y por consiguiente no me he rosado desde hace muchos años, entonces para que chingaos necesito un papel de baño con "aloe" 10 pesos más caro que el normal. Me di cuenta de este producto ya que vi a varias señoras en el HEB adquiriéndolo. Osea que el truco de mercadotecnia SI sirve. Yo no entiendo si esas señoras lleven desde su infancia con el trasero rosado y por eso ahora necesitan los Kleenex con ALOE, para aliviar su tortura.
Mi conclusión del dia es:
Una de las caracteristicas principales del capitalismo es crear una necesidad en las personas de un producto que NO necesitan.
Tan tan.