Wednesday, July 27, 2005

my metro trauma

Call me a pansy but everytime I get into the metro, and I look into the metro pole, I get scared as shit. See this is my problem, everytime I put my hand or fingers on the pole, I can't avoid thinking 'bout the guy who was before me masturbated, didn't clean his hands and touched exactly in the place I was now holding the pole. I swear I've tried not to think about that, but it's impossible it's like telling me not to think about a pink elephant. I cannot avoid it. So most of the time, I either don't touch it at all, and just get banged across the cart, but when there are a lot of people and I have no choice but to touch it I use 3 fingers like a pansy.


At 7:03 PM, Blogger double d said...

when aboard the metro: sit on someone's lap WHILE thinking about pink masturbating elephants

At 2:44 AM, Blogger anon said...

Si no hay garrita, siempre puedes usar un 20 minutes

At 12:37 AM, Blogger double d said...

o un billete de 20 pesos, de los de plástico

At 7:24 AM, Blogger Elfego Elgazu said...

jaja gracias por los tips, lo que hago es poner el periodiquito ese que dan gratis o me recargo en el tubo.

Porno pues tu tambien ya sabes si un dia quieres consejos, no se si sean los mejores pero intentare.

Ah por cierto ;-) funciono lo del viernes en la escuela. Gracias.

At 11:03 PM, Blogger flaii said...

sólo esto te faltaba para ser un metro-sexual completo.
no metrosexual.


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