Friday, December 31, 2004
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
What if?
Forget about TiVo I wish I had a device where I could see what if I take this or that decision. Just watch it unravel on the TV then decide my choice. This would help me a lot this days.Saturday, December 25, 2004
Haven't been in church since last christmas, and it really amused me.
This woman read something like:
Let's hope that the hungry people of the world find counsel in the mysteries of the Bible.
Ferni's brain: How? Eating it?
This woman read something like:
Let's hope that the hungry people of the world find counsel in the mysteries of the Bible.
Ferni's brain: How? Eating it?
Friday, December 24, 2004
ahhh. Christmas
11.37am and I already fought my parents 3 times...Looks like it's going to be a lovely Christmas Eve.
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Business is business
"When you are president of a company, who do you own allegiance to? Your clients? Your costumers? No. Companies do not work for costumers or clients; you work for your shareholders. It’s them you have to please, because it’s them who have the power to substitute you."Ferni
Friday, December 17, 2004
Death Like Me
"You live and life sucks, then you die, and it continues to suck."Taken from Death Like Me.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Don Rober...
Todos conocemos a Don Rober aquí en Monterrey y parece que ahora si le va a dar un ataque cardiaco con la contratación de Castillejos.Ayer en su telencuesta decía:
¿Usted está a favor o en contra de la contratación de Mario Castillejos?
71% En Contra
39% A Favor
Bieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen Don Robeto.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
bathroom meetings
I really hate going to the bathroom at work, and bumping into your cowoker. It's like your doing your thing and you hear the door open and then he enters goes and does his thing, a few meters away from you, maybe a hello, then a very unconfortable silence just listening to... well you know.Tuesday, December 14, 2004
I saw the Alexander movie in the weekend, and what a piece of crap. I believe he is probably one of the most enigmatic persons that has ever existed in the world. He was paranoic, an alcoholic, so arrogant he thought he was a God, a philosopher, a brilliant general (who never lost one battle, and in one of his early battles he beat a 1,000,000 army with just 47,000 men), crazy, impulsive, passionate, a dreamer, probably the first "big" king to ever adopt the culture and laws of the people he conquered. And he started the conquest of one of the biggest empires in history at 19.He is my hero.
How on earth could have Oliver Stone made a crap of a movie out of a person like him I have NO idea.
A short story of him that does not appear in the movie:
When he was 23 he visited a shrine where the car of Midas was tied with a knot that nobody had ever been able to untie. According to the legend whoever untied the knot would conquer Asia. So Alexander tried to untie it... 10 minutes passed and he was still unable to do it, got angry, so impuslively he took out his sword, and to the horror of the priest sliced the knot and said "there, I am the new king of Asia".
That's well... Something I would do. jajajaja
Monday, December 13, 2004
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Is there anything sexier, than seeing a Fashion TV party full of Argentinian models dancing to the beat of a Cafe Tacuba song.I think not.
sin llorar.
I really love, catenaccio, greece 2004 team, and all the defensive lot... I really love that style of football. But it's not funny when they apply the recipe to your team in a final. Not funny at all.Friday, December 10, 2004
Zorra jetset
Concepto introducido por Fascoman que significa lo siguiente:Mujer facil para hombres con dinero. Anexamos la siguiente información:
Descripción física: Muy flaca, fleco estilo europeo hacia adelante, generalmente anda tentando en diminutas mini faldas y usa tacón alto. Muchas se pintan el pelo de guero aunque ahora se está poniendo de moda la onda "brunnette". Los senos por lo general son grandes y hay que tener cuidado si son verdaderos o no. Por lo general a donde vayan, ya sea escuela o hasta el partido de fútbol, van arregladas con mucho maquillaje y ropa fashion como si fueran a un evento de modas.
Descripción mental: No hay mucho que decir en este punto... Por lo general el cerebro es inexistente. La mujer jet set es muy viva y sabe aprovechar a las personas que la rodean. Y para mi es un arte que aprueben una de las universidades mas difíciles de México y al final sigan sin saber NADA.
Habitat natural: En las mañanas y tardes, ronda en la Prepa Santa Catarina del ITESM, La cafeteria Borrego en ITESM Campus Monterrey y en la UDEM. Se le ve en las licenciaturas como LIN, LEM y Arquitectura. En las noches rondan por antros "cache" como la Havana y el Bar-Rio. Casi siempre con cigarro en mano y drink. Por lo general NO toman cerveza.
Misión en la vida: Detectar, amarrar y manejar a hombre de altos ingresos económicos. Que la pueda mandar a lugares remotos y exclusivos de "shopping". Y le de un carro de BMW o Mercedes Benz para arriba. También se adhiere el sueño o ilusión de salir en la portada de cualquier o en todas las ediciones del Sierra Madre (SM Joven ,Sierra Madre y los otros que salen) con alguien importante o mejor aún solas.
Lifestyle: Nace y hasta los 13 años es una niña chiflada y consentida.
De 13 a 18 empieza la epoca de niña chiflada consentida, pero se adhiere lo fresa y pendeja. También se empieza a fijar en niños fresas de escuelas como el Irish y el Americano.
18 A 25. Empiza lo mas importante. Buscar al "hombre de sus sueños" este hombre es fresa, rico y codiciado por muchas. Mientras lo encuentra puede ser que tenga unos detours por otros hombres y opte por... digamos abrir las piernas. Pero solo las abre a hombres que le pichen botellas en el antro, carros de más de 250,000 pesos. Y apellidos con renombre o que siempre aparezca en el SM Joven. Lo físico no importa mucho.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
pinches rayados!!!
La veo muy dificil muchachos... Muy muy difícil, pero si se puede!!! Tenemos que sacar el campeonato!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Por el bien del futbol!Tuesday, December 07, 2004
just 6 more...
just 6 more ferni... just 6 more... just 6 more.... just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....just 6 more... just 6 more....Friday, December 03, 2004
why bill gates why???????????????
Why in Excel when I click 1688 and 0 for Bill Gates it means 22 of June and 1 of January!! I have typed those numbers more than 80 times today and I ALWAYS HAVE TO CHANGE THE CONFIGURATION. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH I HATE YOU!!Why can't you leave me alone??????''