My temper is rising.
(I have a couple of muslim friends, and they are really really cool people, I mean absolute no offense to them, I am just writing against fanatism. My mates are not fanatics.)Through all my life I've felt an affinity toward Palestine due to my mother's roots (Even though now I know that as Palestinian Catholics my great grandparents were probably running away from the Palestininan Muslims early in the 20th century). But this week has been just to much.
1) Hamas takes power. (Which I will not get into right now)
2) The "rage" that 12 cartoons made when published in Denmark and Norway (and today in Germany, Spain, France, Switzerland), which made even a Palestinian Terrorist group to storm in an EU Office.
I would like to begin by saying, that they could justify this "rage" if radical muslims were peaceful misunderstood doves. But like the Die Welt said:
"The protests from Muslims would be taken more seriously if they were less hypocritical. When Syrian television showed drama documentaries in prime time depicting rabbis as cannibals, the imams were quiet."
Another example is how several Arab countries, continue to publish and broadcast parts of a book called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" which is a book (full of bullshit) that basically potrays a "conspiracy" of how Jews want to take over the world.
Or another example when Muslims want to put there mosques all over Europe or the US, they have the freedom to do so, like the Jedi religion, or any other religion in the world. But if I want to go to Saudi Arabia and build my Jedi Temple, law would prohibit me from doing it, even persecute me, and hell even if I made a few converts toward the force, they will be punished as apostates by the law!
So all I am saying is, why should we not be able to use our freedom of expression, if Newspapers have caricatured God, Buddha, and all the rest of the lot, what should make Allah different? I mean I have pictures which I will show you when I am back of lingerie in Holland called "Viva Maria, Forbidden Lingerie" which logo is our Virgin of Guadalupe, I know must mexicans don't know this, but if they did, I think none would take the Dutch Embassy hostage, or try to force Holland to make a public apology about it.
So why do we have to be "politically correct"?? Why does the French Foreign Ministry condemn the newspapers by saying "all that hurts individuals in their beliefs or their religious convictions is not tolerated." I've seen a lot of cartoons against Israel and the US that are in the same tone as this one. I've seen a lot of movies that might hurt the beliefs and religious convictions of Catholics, like Life of Brian, or the Magdalene Sisters. Do you see catholics taking guns and taking over some Hollywood studios? NO.
Why should radical muslims get away with us asking for forgiveness for publishing a bunch of cartoons when we've all been ridiculed before? Should they be the exception because of there temper? Ofcourse not. We live in democracies, where we have the right to express what we feel, ridicule what we want to ridicule, and separate the church from the state. If they live in there close societies without any freedom of expression, where they mistreat and abuse women, where if you steal you get your hands chopped off, or ridicule western society with cartoons about how all our woman are prostistutes. Fine!!!! Let them go ahead and do it.We'll protest, we'll write that we don't agree. But we are not going to expel ambassadors, boycott products, and raise hell like this radicals are doing.
The only people that are being affected by this are muslims. They are creating a rift larger than it already is with the western world. Most Europeans if not all are going to be in favor of the newspapers. This radicals just show immaturity, and a lack of ability to think about there actions and how this actions are going to create a reaction. And that reaction is going to be even more racism, even more segregation, even more seperation. I applaud the Jordanian and Lebanese newspaper that published the pictures and wrote an editiorial asking the Muslim World to THINK.
I rest my case.
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