Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Monday I made a lil experiment with a human being which
cost me about 50 pesos. Went to Bennigan's and in the
parking lot, this guy comes to me (poor) and throws me
this whole story about his car breaking down and that he
needed 50 pesos to go in a cab to his house for his wife's
car and that he would bring me back the 50 pesos.
So ofcourse I did not believe him, but the more he talked
the more I got curious if maybe just maybe I could still
trust human beings. So I knew that he wasn'tgoing to come
back, but I thought it was worth giving 50 pesos and see if
the guy would return against all odds and give me my
money and I would definetely feel hope for the human race. Well
the guy ofcourse, did not come back. Which wasn't a
big surprise. But still it was fun.

Conclusions: Don't make experiments about human worthiness with bums.


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